Activities » Drama


RCHS Drama Dept




​We are the Rancho Cucamonga High School Drama Department, Thespian Troupe 5423. We are also known as the Players of the Vine. Our Drama Director is Mr. Loudermilk.
Our mission is to create a welcoming and safe environment for students to explore the magic of the theatre through acting, writing, directing, and technical skills such as lighting, sound, set design, costuming, hair & make-up, and stage managing. We hope to create change-makers in the theatrical arts; visionaries who aspire to not only perform but to lead and innovate. 
We produce at least two productions each school year, one in the fall and one in the spring. We are hoping to also attend some theatre competitions as well as some field trips to expand our knowledge and experience in the theatre arts. 
If you are interested in joining the department there are multiple ways to reach out; stop by J104 and speak with Mr. Loudermilk, reach out via our Twitter, Instagram, or email. 

We hope to see you in the drama club or at an audition soon! ​

RCHS Players of the Vine


Thespian Society

What is the Thespian Society?
The International Thespian Society is the only theatre honor society for middle and high school students in the United States. Affiliation bring credibility and distinction to students, theatre programs, and schools. It is a visible, positive symbol of the qualify of your theatre program.
It recognizes, rewards, and encourages student achievement and celebrates the work of students in all aspects of theatre-performance and production. Each student is honored on a national level and gains access to opportunities and resources beyond those of their school.
To be inducted, you need a minimum of 10 points
  • Honor Thespian - 60 total points (600 hours) earned or the equivalent of six stars. For outstanding contributions to the ideals of the Society and meritorious work in the field of theatre.
  • National Honor Thespian - 120 total points (1,200 hours) earned or the equivalent of 12 stars. For exceptions commitment to the ideals of the Society and distinguished work in the field of theatre.
  • International Honor Thespian - 180 or more total points (1,800+ hours) earned or the equivalent of 18 or more stars. For extraordinary dedication to the ideals of the Society and exemplary work in the field of theatre.

Contact Us

James Loudermilk
Director Instagram


Drama Club

  • Every other Wednesday @ 3:30 - 4:30 in J104
  • Remind - @rchs5423
  • Member Form